- ECG: Electro Cardio-gram
- ECS: Electronic Clearing Service
- ECT: Electro-convulsant Therapy (electric shock treatment)
- EDUSAT: Education Satellite
- EEG: Electro-encephalography
- EET: Exempt Exempt Taxation
- EFA: Education for All
- EFF: Extended Fund Facility
- e.g.: exempli gratia; for example
- EHTP: Electronic Hardware Technology Parks
- ELISA: Enzyme Linked Immuno Solvent Assay (used for testing AIDS)
- EMI: Equated Monthly Instalment
- EMS: European Monetary System
- EMU: Electric-Multiple Unit; Extra-vehicular Mobility Unit; (European) Economic and Monetary Union
- E & OE: Errors and Omissions Excepted
- EPROM: Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
- ER: Eastern Railway
- ERM: Exchange Rate Mechanism
- ERNET: Educational and Research Network
- ESA: European Space Agency
- ESCAP: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
- ESMA: Essential Services Maintenance Act
- ESOP: Employee Stock Option Programme
- etc.: et cetera (and other things)
- EU: European Union
- EVM: Electronic Voting Machine