ISSB Final Interview Prepare – Best Tips For Success – ISSB










Interview is the most important part of I.S.S.B. I has a big pressure on the candidate but if you try to follow my instructions and prepare these questions, chances of your success will b increased. 80% of interview is based on your family background 10% is based on mathematical questions and 10% is based on education. You should not worry about your education just prepare other things.


1. Dress well
2. Be calm
3. Be obedient
4. Be confident
5. Do not move your legs or hands unnecessary
6. When you answer or think always see in the eyes of the interviewer
7. Never say sorry question asked about mathematics
8. Never tell a live about your family background

Following are the most asked questions in I.S.S.B Interview

1. Name the biggest civil award of Pakistan?
2. Name of highest battle field?
3. Name of the capital of Holland?
4. Where is Fiji Islands?
5. Where is Kosovo?
6. Army brigadier is equal to air force Rank?
7. Name of three military awards of Pakistan?
8. Name of the javelin of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ?
9. Weight of on moon of any thing is?
10. Name of the sward of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
11. Name of general secretary of UNO?
12. Area of Turkey?
13. What is difference between sea and ocean?
14. Which country is situated in north of Iran?
15. What is red cliff?
16. Height of Mina-e-Pakistan?
17. Who constructed G.T road?
18. Name of famous sea ports in the world?
19. Who was first queen of subcontinent?
20. First Nobel price for physics?
21. Number of members of Security Council?
22. The biggest island of Japan?
23. Population of Pakistan?
24. Where is Maldives?
25. Who is the football champion?
26. First president of SAARC?
27. Pakistan resolution date and place?
28. Who were Ali Bros.
29. Who built red fort?
30. Who was the first President of Pakistan?


ISSB General Knowledge Questions

Dams, Rivers and Lakes

Important ISSB Preparation Topics

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