In this test candidate have to make sentences with words displayed on projector. Number of words are 100 and time duration between two words is 9-10 seconds. Following are the most popular words used in I.S.S.B.
51. Attempt
52. Happy
53. Books
54. Rest
55. Short
56. Design
57. Co-operative
58. Discipline
59. Pain
60. Plan
61. Step
62. Climb
63. Life
64. Win
65. Honesty
66. Machine
67. Afraid
68. Lead
69. Think
70. Hobby
71. Obtain
72. Idea
73. Religion
74. Morality
75. Innovation
76. Beat
77. Punctuality
78. Continuous
79. Protect
80. Task
81. Slip
82. Drop
83. Snake
84. Award
85. Achieve
86. Assist
87. Action
88. Agree
89. Avoid
90. Alone
91. Ambition
92. Appeal
93. Air
94. Arrived
95. Bad
96. Blood
97. Book
98. Beautiful
99. Cut
100. Copy